The Mighty Men of Peoples Choir
The choir was Founded in 1995 by Gary Morris & the Minister of Music Andre Vaughn. Various other “all-male” Choirs existed earlier at Peoples, but Gary’s arrival was the catalyst to “The Mighty Men of Peoples” – a Choir that continued to exist for 22 consecutive years. Gary was a talented musician who could sing and play Guitar. He was also an experienced (music group) leader and choreographer. The Choir sang every 3rd Sunday, conducted many Church concerts, and was invited to sing at countless other churches within the District and Michigan Conference.
Choir Directors over the years: (Gary Morris, Andre Vaughn, Sheryl Young, & Leon Hayes).
Choir Members over the years: (Joseph Day, Leon Hayes, Gus Love, Leo Esco, Don Stallings, Leonard Stallings, Cliff Stallings, Gonzalus Moore, Dawon Wallace, Grant Burton, Craig Mitchell, Reggie Campbell, Willie Banks, & Anthony Beard).
Musicians over the years: (David Bellamy (Lead Guitar), Gary Morris (Bass Guitar), Andre Vaugh (Organ & Piano), Timothy Jackson (Drums), Curtis Robinson (Piano & Organ).
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(To contribute to this collection, please email photographs to Leonard Stallings @